Our solutions for asparagus


Christiaens Agro Systems has developed various machines for the cultivation and processing of asparagus such as unique washing-, cutting- and grading devices and harvesting machines. We have the right machine for every size of company. Additionally, Christiaens Agro Systems supplies customized logistics.

On this website you will find more information about the machines of Christiaens Agro Systems. You can always contact us for personal advice. We are happy to help you!


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Our machines for Asparagus

asparagus harvester Chris

asparagus harvester Chris

asparagus harvester Chrisje

asparagus harvester Chrisje

asparagus harvester Christian

asparagus harvester Christian

Prewashing machine

Prewashing machine

Tips washingmachine

Tips washingmachine

Visiongrading line

Visiongrading line

Packing/weighing machine

Packing/weighing machine

Binding machine

Binding machine